Buy Cheap Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day!

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Technical Details

- New Activities! The title is a series of minigames designed to give your brain a workout. The 17 new, engaging activities are all designed to help work your brain and increase blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. Whether you're playing simple songs on a piano keyboard or monitoring the photo finish of a footrace, you'll love your new mental workout!
- Keep training! When you start a new game, you will take a series of tests and get a score that shows how old your brain is. This number is called your Brain Age. With daily training over weeks and months, you can improve your mental acuity and lower your Brain Age. Progress is charted in graph form.
- Expanded multiplayer! You can keep up to four save files on one game card. Sharing a game allows you to compete in a picture-drawing quiz or a word challenge with family and friends. You can also use DS Download Play to send a demo to friends or compete with up to 16 players in one of four fun modes.
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Customer Buzz
 "Brain Age helps!" 2009-09-13
By Vikki Stewart (Kansas)
I received a Ninetindo DS for my birthday and was looking for something besides games. Brain Age was the perfect selection. I can play it anywhere -- waiting in line or for an appointment. The first time I played it my 'brain age' was 77 and now it's 55! Thanks!

Customer Buzz
 "Its Okay" 2009-09-12
By Indy (Grand Rapids, MI USA)
The "tests" are fun to take and can be frustrating at times, but there is a sense of accomplishment when you see the improvement from beginnig till now. The good news I can still score better than my grandkids. First time I took my brain age test I was 82, I'm now 52! Pratice does help. Helps to follow instuctions (my wife loves that). Could do with a little less or different "conversation" from the doctor though.He "says" the same thing every time!

Customer Buzz
 "Not bad. But needs more puzzles." 2009-09-11
By Scott R (Northwest USA)
Have not used the first version of Brain Age.

This is entertaining, varies in challenge level, and probably does stimulate the brain as it claims.

Has some neat little "games", or training challenges.

I like the Soduku games. But it would be nice if there were more, or if you could download weekly puzzles.

I can always do the Soduku puzzles over again. It's not like I will remember the exact answers/layout from the first time.

Customer Buzz
 "My mom is always asking to play this game!" 2009-08-07
I bought Brain Age 2 the day I got my DS. So fun! I love getting my Brain age lower, and my mom does too!

Customer Buzz
 "Great For Kids" 2009-07-19
By Mallory Smith (Tallahassee, Florida)
I babysit my sister's kids a lot and I'm very concerned about the kind of games they play at home. Always playing games, shooting and killing zombies, all that kinda stuff isn't doing much for their education. If anything, it brings it down, they never do their homework, because they are too busy playing games. Well, at my house this game is one I don't mind them playing, and they actually like it. They learn new things in a fun and interesting way without it being boring. It's great for kids and I'm really glad I got it.

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Buy Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! Now

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